Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Grow in the Face of Adversity

Let's take this time to dream big, to create new things in our lives, there is so much we can do with little to no money like learning a language (Duolingo is a great free app), start a workout regime (jumping jacks, planking, sit ups, push ups and running are all free), learn to cook (soooo many recipes for free online), meditate (lots of free meditations online or you can just sit and breath) read every book in your house, there are lots of older books (ones that are considered Public Property) that you can read online for free (Here is a great website: Planting a garden can be done for cheap and the work of nurturing seeds to something of beauty or to feed yourself is super rewarding! Turn off the news, don't sit and stew in your own fear. You are strong, resiliant, beautiful and magical!

And if you are looking for some uplifting things to do for the next little while? Hay House has put some of their videos, articles, a course and podcast online! I can highly reccomend the Mirror Work Course, the movies The Shift and You Can Heal Your Life!Make it a goal to do at least one thing a day to uplift your spirits and work on yourself!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Magical Ideas for Friday the 13th Full Moon

Good Morning Witches!!! Are you excited yet for this Friday! I know I am, I am practically vibrating! I know some people report issues with Friday the 13th (and Goddess bless our nurses and first responders because this might not be a good night for them), but I have always had the very best of luck on Friday the 13th and then to partner it with the full Harvest Moon is just a dream to me! I started sharing ideas I found on my page and had a lovely lady ask if I had any simple spell ideas for the full moon. Her question got my brain working into overdrive and I came up with a small handful of ideas. I hope everyone gets the most out of this full moon so I am sharing my ideas here for anybody that is looking for inspiration and are running low on time. As always I try and keep my workings super simple since I am a rather simple creature at heart. So cast away my Witchy brothers and sisters!!! And thank you to the lovely lady on my page for starting my brain on this creative track! It was fun and I appreciate the inspiration you brought me!

Ok so the first one I take absolutely no credit for, it’s from a Facebook page Luna and the Moon. In this you take 13 pennies, chant over them the following verse:
“Today I cast for money luck, As it is lucky, it will work today,
With these Pennies, I display, The money is on its way.
The 13th is lucky, on the Witches day.
These 13 pennies, will bring it my way.
This will harm non in anyway,
As it is lucky, if done on this day”.
Once the chant is said burry the pennies. Remember that in magic the intent is everything. You can have all the right ingredients and if your heart isn’t it in the spell will fall flat on its ass. So if you don’t have pennies because the Canadian Government phased them out ages ago, go with what you have. If you have dimes use them, nickels use them, quarters great! If you have currency from another country go ahead and use that. Mixed denominations, go for it! What really matters is the intent behind the spell!

A fun twist on this spell you could do could help not only yourself but 12 others! Charge slightly larger denomination coins such as loonies and toonies. Take the coins and stand under the light of the full moon. Hold them in your hands so that each coin absorbs the moonlight and chant something like:
“Money Flows
Income Grows
Blessings for me
Blessings for thee
Lucky Friday 13
Bring us money
With Harm to None
My charm is done”
Repeat the chant as often as you feel (or make up one that suits your personal style better). As you hold them visualize anybody who touches that coin being showered with abundance (including you!). Then the next morning give away 12 of them, either to friends or perhaps in charity drop boxes. You can even use pennies for this and give them as gifts to friends whenever they need some luck in their lives.

If you are working to improve yourself a super simple idea is to take out a pen and paper, if you want you can fancy this up with glittery paper, stickers and coloured pens. Once you have picked out your paper and pen think of thirteen things that you are working on improving in your life and write out 13 affirmations for those areas that you want to improve on. For example “I love healthy food and feed my body the fuel it needs” “I am excellent with money and love to add to my savings” “I love, I am loved”. My favourite author for affirmations is Louise Hay and her affirmations always seem to be direct and to the point (You can find some of them here if you are stuck looking for an affirmation: ).

Once you have selected your affirmations write them out nicely on your chosen paper. Take it outside under the light of the full moon, read each one to yourself and focus on the outcome of the affirmation. How will you feel with this affirmation coming true? Healthier, stronger, happier? Focus on each one for a moment then read the list aloud to the moon. Take your list inside and put it somewhere you will see if often. Try to say each affirmation at least 13 times a day. On the next full moon you can either keep the list and keep working on it or burn it and scatter the ashes to the wind.

One of the main themes of fall is releasing, letting go of the old so that we can rest and then begin anew. If there are some things in your life you want to let go of, such as bad habits or even people, you can do a short ritual to release them. Go to your nearest tree that is losing its leaves. Gently take 13 leaves that are ready to fall (or pick up 13 leaves off the ground). Take those leaves and using a marker write on each leaf 1 thing you are looking to release, be specific (like I release my addiction to double chocolate brownie ice cream). If the leaves are small just write one or two words that represent the thing you are releasing. Under the light of the full moon go to a crossroads (where two roads intersect). Stand as close to the center as you safely can and take each leaf one at a time. States something like “under the light of the blessed moon, I release the old to welcome the new” and then read each leaf. Then let the leaf fall to the ground and state “I release you”. Once all 13 are gone walk away and don’t look back. When you get home, if you wish, write down 13 things that will replace the 13 things that you have released.

And don’t overlook some of the simplest magic you can do under the moon. Make a batch of moon water charged under the full moon, then you can anoint anything you wish with this magical night’s power. Just fill up a jar with water, take the jar outside and make sure it is under the light of the moon. Hold it in your hands for a moment and thing of the moonlight charging the water, filling the water with its power and magic. Then leave the water out for like an hour. Bring it back inside, keep it somewhere handy and then you can use a few drops here and there. If you are a bit of a candle junkie like me and have 13 tea lights handy take them outside under the moon light. Let them soak up the moonlight and fill them with your intent that they are blessed and lucky. You can keep them for a special occasion or gift them to friends!

This full moon would also be a great day to make up or empower good luck charms. If you have handy a family good luck charm, like say a horseshoe take it under the moon and state what luck you wish it to bring to you. If you don’t have a family luck charm you could easily empower your favorite necklace or ring to bring you good fortune. Another things you could do is make up a good luck sachet or talisman for your home. Herbs such as Rosemary, Lavender, Cinnamon, Basil, Clove, Chamomile, Mint, Thyme and Ginger are all known to bring luck, good fortune and peace into your life and most can be found by raiding the spice rack! A lot of grocery stores also sell the plants for these so if you want you could pick one or two to purchase, bless it on the full moon and then let it grow!

If you just want to soak up the energy why not take a page from a friend of mine. She is going to curl up in a blanket, lay under the light of the full moon and have a good meditation session! You could also read some poetry or moon lore. A good one for the full moon would be something like the Charge of the Goddess. You could perform a Drawing Down of the Moon to soak up this amazing energy and reconnect with the Goddess. Grounding and centering would also be a powerful exercise to do on this night!  Bring out all your gemstones, ritual tools and statues, give them all a good clean and then set them under the full moon to recharge!

Whatever you decide to do this full moon I hope you take the time to soak up the energy and dream of a bright future!